Fabio Biondi Vivaldi

You can always rely on Naïve’s enterprising Vivaldi Edition to deliver the goods at a time of year when new releases are generally thin on the ground, and today brings a superb account of Argippo, a pasticcio from the early 1730s which incorporates music by composers including Hasse, Porpora and Galeazzi as well as the Red Priest himself.

To say that the plot hasn’t aged well is putting it mildly. Zanaida, daughter of Gran Mogol Tisifaro, has apparently ‘yielded her honour’ under cover of darkness to king Argippo, which makes his state visit to her father’s court with his new wife Osira more than slightly awkward. (The reality is that Zanaida’s nocturnal visitor was in fact the nefarious courtier Silvero, who has previously failed to win her over on his own terms and decided that a spot of identity-theft might be worth a shot). Asked to pass judgement on a hypothetical situation in which a man seduces one woman before marrying another, Argippo declares that the only course of action is for the guilty party to murder his spouse and return to his previous lover, nobly agreeing to put his money where his mouth is when he himself is accused of the offence. Silvero eventually comes clean in the nick of time, a revelation which Zanaida greets with baffling sang-froid: declaring that it was obviously Meant To Be, she happily agrees to marry him and the curtain falls to general rejoicing. It would be a bold stage-director indeed who took this one on today.

The scenario provides ample opportunity for ornate reflections on love and duty for everyone concerned, often via metaphors involving storm-tossed ships, guiding stars and turtledoves, and all five singers cover themselves in glory. Though the title-character is naturally assigned several show-stopping arias, it’s Zanaida who is the beating heart of the opera, and Galou brings her to life in all her emotional complexity: the role sits squarely in soprano territory, but the French contralto has no shortage of colours in her middle and upper registers and exploits every one of them to full effect, making particularly striking use of straight tone in her second-act aria ‘Io son rea’ and wringing maximum drama from the rather uninspired secco recitatives (almost certainly the work of an assistant rather than Vivaldi himself). Her first aria ‘Se lento ancora il fulmine’ (which made for a scintillating opener on Cecilia Bartoli’s Vivaldi album a couple of years ago) is a real tour de force, and indeed there’s something of Bartoli’s manic energy to Galou’s singing throughout, though the voice is considerably fuller and the coloratura notably less mechanical.

The other stand-out performance comes from the young Swiss soprano Marie Lys, who endows the potentially thankless role of Osira with true pathos and is especially compelling in Andrea Stefano Fiorè’s ‘Vado a morire per te’, which showcases her lovely liquid legato to perfection. Emőke Baráth’s edgier sound in the title-role falls less gratefully on the ear for me, though she impresses in the stratospheric bravura of Galeazzi’s ‘Anche in mezzo a perigliosa’ and the contrast between the two sopranos comes in handy in an opera dominated by upper voices. Marianna Pizzolato’s warm mezzo renders Silvero far more sympathetic than he deserves; like Handel’s Polinesso, this ‘smiling, damnèd villain’ executes his treachery in the courtliest of musical language, and Pizzolato does it all with consummate elegance. Her remorseful ‘Se la bella tortorella’, with Biondi exuding easy virtuosity in the lovely violin obbligato, is one of the highlights of the set and put me a little in mind of ‘Se in fiorito’ from Handel’s Giulio Cesare some eight years earlier.

Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Vivaldi: L'Estro Armonico - 12 Concertos Op. 3 - Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante on AllMusic - 1998. #Conversations Non solo Barocco: la rivoluzione “con forza e con onore” di Fabio Biondi violinista e direttore Fabio Biondi nasce a Palermo in una famiglia dove la musica era il pane quotidiano: nonno e zio la bazzicavano, il padre la ascoltava prediligendo Gesualdo a cui erano riservate le domeniche mattina.

Biondi’s energetic, imaginative direction is of course key to the success of the entire project, bringing real coherence to a work which could easily seem like Now That’s What I Call Music 1732: even the most pedestrian recitatives have drive and dramatic impetus, and he summons such an impressive range of colours from the small band that I was well into the third act before I registered that the work is scored for strings and continuo only. It’s another triumph for Naïve’s pioneering series, and for Galou and Biondi in particular.

In 1989, following extensive work with specialist ensembles including Les Musiciens du Louvre and The English Concert, Biondi founded Europa Galante, which quickly became the foremost Italian period ensemble. Biondi and his ensemble have forged a reputation for “fresh, vibrant performances” (New York Times) and breathe new life into Baroque, Classical and early Romantic repertoire, performing at leading international festivals and stages including recently the Berlin Pierre Boulez Saal, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Wiener Konzerthaus, Enescu Festival and Edinburgh International Festival.

Biondi brings this authentic and engaging approach to modern symphony and chamber orchestras, which he both conducts and directs from the violin. Recent and future highlights include the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, RAI Torino, NDR Radiophilharmonie, Frankfurt Radio Symphony, Finnish Radio Symphony, Mahler Chamber orchestras and the Mozarteumorchester Salzburg. He was Artistic Director for Baroque Music at the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra for eleven years until 2016.

Biondi’s passion for opera takes him to major houses including Zurich Opera, Berlin’s Staatsoper unter den Linden and in 2020 to the Grand Théâtre de Genève for Luk Perceval’s new production of Mozart Die Entführung aus dem Serail. He was Music Director 2015–18 of Valencia’s Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia, where he conducted productions of Donizetti, Rossini, Haydn and Verdi Il Corsaro. Download betasat driver. Aem driver download.

FabioFabio Biondi Vivaldi

As a violinist, he is respected as a virtuoso “beyond reproach” (The Guardian), performing in recital across the world including at Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, Auditorio Nacional de Música Madrid and Cité de la Musique.

His broad discography on Warner Classics, Virgin and Glossa has earned Biondi numerous awards, including the Diapason d’Or de l’Année and Choc de Musique; his widely acclaimed recording with Europa Galante of Vivaldi Four Seasons was named Disc of the Year by organizations in over five countries; and he has recorded with Joyce DiDonato, Diana Damrau, Philippe Jaroussky, Vivica Genaux and Rolando Villazón. His recent recording of ‘Paganini Sonatas for Violin and Guitar’ was named Editor’s Choice by Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine.

Biondi has been an academician of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia since 2011, he was named in 2015 an Officer of the National Order of Arts and Letters by the French Ministry of Culture, and in 2019 was awarded the medal of Courage and Veracity by the Polish Government, in recognition of outstanding cultural achievements.

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In 1989, following extensive work with specialist ensembles including Les Musiciens du Louvre and The English Concert, Biondi founded Europa Galante, which quickly became the foremost Italian period ensemble. Biondi and his ensemble have forged a reputation for “fresh, vibrant performances” (New York Times) and breathe new life into Baroque, Classical and early Romantic repertoire, performing at leading international festivals and stages including recently the Berlin Pierre Boulez Saal, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Wiener Konzerthaus, Enescu Festival and Edinburgh International Festival.

Fabio Biondi Vivaldi Wikipedia

Biondi brings this authentic and engaging approach to modern symphony and chamber orchestras, which he both conducts and directs from the violin. Recent and future highlights include the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, RAI Torino, NDR Radiophilharmonie, Frankfurt Radio Symphony, Finnish Radio Symphony, Mahler Chamber orchestras and the Mozarteumorchester Salzburg. He was Artistic Director for Baroque Music at the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra for eleven years until 2016.

Biondi’s passion for opera takes him to major houses including Zurich Opera, Berlin’s Staatsoper unter den Linden and in 2020 to the Grand Théâtre de Genève for Luk Perceval’s new production of Mozart Die Entführung aus dem Serail. He was Music Director 2015–18 of Valencia’s Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia, where he conducted productions of Donizetti, Rossini, Haydn and Verdi Il Corsaro.

As a violinist, he is respected as a virtuoso “beyond reproach” (The Guardian), performing in recital across the world including at Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, Auditorio Nacional de Música Madrid and Cité de la Musique.

Fabio Biondi Vivaldi Le Quattro Stagioni

His broad discography on Warner Classics, Virgin and Glossa has earned Biondi numerous awards, including the Diapason d’Or de l’Année and Choc de Musique; his widely acclaimed recording with Europa Galante of Vivaldi Four Seasons was named Disc of the Year by organizations in over five countries; and he has recorded with Joyce DiDonato, Diana Damrau, Philippe Jaroussky, Vivica Genaux and Rolando Villazón. His recent recording of ‘Paganini Sonatas for Violin and Guitar’ was named Editor’s Choice by Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine.

Fabio Biondi Vivaldi Sheet Music

Biondi has been an academician of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia since 2011, he was named in 2015 an Officer of the National Order of Arts and Letters by the French Ministry of Culture, and in 2019 was awarded the medal of Courage and Veracity by the Polish Government, in recognition of outstanding cultural achievements.