- Beginning August 2018, Citrix Receiver will be replaced by Citrix Workspace app. While you can still download older versions of Citrix Receiver, new features and enhancements will be released for Citrix Workspace app. Citrix Workspace app is a new client from Citrix that works similar to Citrix Receiver and is fully backward-compatible with.
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- Click on the link below to download the Citrix Receiver Client for Windows. Citrix Workspace App version 2010 for Windows 1 - Go to the Downloads folder and install the downloaded file.
Citrix Workspace app 1911 for Windows (PDF Download) Citrix Workspace app 1909 for Windows (PDF Download) Documentation for this product version is provided as a PDF because it is not the latest version. For the most recently updated content, see the Citrix Workspace app for Windows current release documentation. Arsysic driver download. Download Citrix Workspace app for Mac (237 MB.dmg) Version: (2010).
Citrix does not recommend extracting the Receiver (Enterprise) .msi files instead of running the installer packages. However, there might be times when you have to extract the .msi files from CitrixReceiver.exe or CitrixReceiverEnterprise.exe manually, rather than running the installer package (for example, company policy prohibits the usage of .exe files). If you use the extracted .msi files for your installation, using the .exe installer package to upgrade or uninstall and reinstall might not work properly.
For Citrix-recommended Receiver (Enterprise) installation methods, refer to Citrix eDocs - Configure and install Receiver for Windows using command-line parameters.
Extract the .msi files
Run the following at command prompt:
For 4.x use: CitrixReceiver.exe /extract [Destination_name, e.g. C:test ]
For 3.x use: CitrixReceiverEnterprise.exe /extract [Destination_name, e.g. C:test]
where Destination _name is a complete pathname to the directory into which the .msi files are extracted. The directory must exist already and /extract adds a subfolder called extract to that directory.
Compx driver download. For example, if you create a C:test directory and run /extract, the extracted .msi files are put in C:testextract.
Note: If User Access Control (UAC) is enabled, Citrix advises that you install the .msi files in elevated mode. The .msi files are supported per-machine and require administrator privileges to deploy them.
Install the .msi files for Receiver
Use the following command line parameter:
Note: Double click installation for Receiver using individual .msi is not recommended for 4.4.x and 4.5Install the Components:
When installing the Receiver.exe components, run the .msi files in the following order:
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- RIInstaller.msi
- ICAWebWrapper.msi
- GenericUSB.msi
- DesktopViewer.msi
- CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi
- Vd3dClient.msi
- AuthManager.msi
- SSONWrapper.msi
- SelfServicePlugin.msi
- WebHelper.msi
During the execution of each of these msi packages, the following command line parameters need to specified:
The command to execute a msi package is as follows:
For a non-admin user installation, the parameters are as follows:
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Note: GenericUSB and SSON are not supported for non-admin users, so no need to install GenericUSB.msi and SSONWrapper.msi for non-admin user installation.
Remove the Components:
When removing the components, remove them in the following order:
- SelfServicePlugin.msi
- SSONWrapper.msi
- AuthManager.msi
- Vd3dClient.msi
- CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi
- DesktopViewer.msi
- GenericUSB.msi
- ICAWebWrapper.msi
- RIInstaller.msi
- WebHelper.msi
Each .msi file has an Add/Remove (Control Panel on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003) or Programs and Features (Control Panel on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008) entry in the following format:
Name of package | Name displayed in Add/Remove or Programs and Features |
RIInstaller.msi | Citrix Receiver Inside |
ICAWebWrapper.msi | Online Plug-in |
PNAWrapper.msi | Citrix Receiver (PNA) |
SSONWrapper.msi | Citrix Receiver (SSON) |
CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi | Citrix Receiver (HDX Flash Redirection) |
DesktopViewer.msi | Citrix Receiver (DV) |
GenericUSB.msi | Citrix Receiver (USB) |
Vd3d.msi | Citrix Receiver (Aero) |
AuthManager.msi | Citrix Authentication Manager |
CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.msi | Citrix Receiver Updater |
SelfServicePlugin.msi | Citrix Single Sign-On Plug-in |
Note: CitrixReceiverUpdater-user.msi is not included in Citrix Receiver from version 4.3 onwards
Additional Resources
Note: A tool has been developed that automatically removes previous installations of the Citrix Receiver
Receiver Clean-Up Utility
Citrix Documentation - Citrix Receiver for Windows Enterprise 3.4 and 3