- Precog allows any user to ingest new data sources directly into Metabase, regardless of source, size, or complexity. Pick the exact data you need. MongoDB to Power BI Precog allows any user to ingest new data sources directly into Power BI, regardless of source, size, or complexity.
- I would like to use manual logic inside of a Metabase question. When referencing 'Past 30 days' for example, the Metabase query builder can dynamically update the question to reference the current date. When converted to a native query, however, the dates convert to hard-coded dates eg.
When Metabase first connects to your database, it takes a look at the metadata of the columns in your tables and automatically assigns them a type. Metabase also takes a sample of each table to look for URLs, JSON, encoded strings, etc. You can manually edit table and column metadata in Metabase at any time from the Data Model tab in the Admin. The fastest, easiest way to share data and analytics inside your company. An open source Business Intelligence server you can install in 5 minutes that connects to MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and more! Anyone can use it to build charts, dashboards and nightly email reports. Starting in; MongoDB Compass 1.19, Compass. Displays a warning message when connected to non-genuine MongoDB instances as these instances may behave differently from the official MongoDB instances; e.g. Missing or incomplete features, different feature behaviors, etc.Connect¶ When you open. Compass, an initial connection dialog appears.
This page outlines how to use MongoDB Compass to connect to aMongoDB host. You can connect to a standalone, replica set,or sharded cluster host.
If you need to create a MongoDB host, consider usingMongoDB Atlas.Atlas is a cloud-hosted database-as-a-service which requires noinstallation, offers a free tier to get started, and provides acopyable URI to easily connect Compass to your deployment.

If you need to install Compass, seeDownload and Install Compass for instructions.
Metabase With Mongodb Tutorial
When connecting Compass to a replica set, it is notrecommended to connect directly to an individual replicaset member. If the member to which you are connected switches from aprimary member to asecondary or vice versa asthe result of an election, Compass may either forcibly closethe connection or display stale data.
Instead, to connect to a replica set, use either the replica setSRV record or Replica Set Name whenfilling in your connection information.
- Starting in MongoDB Compass 1.19, Compass displays awarning message when connected to non-genuine MongoDB instances asthese instances may behave differently from the official MongoDBinstances; e.g. missing or incomplete features, different featurebehaviors, etc.
When you open Compass, an initial connection dialog appears:
Compass provides two methods to connect to your deployment,either providing your deployment connection string or filling in yourdeployment information in specific fields.
When you provide a connection string, Compass supportsmost Connection String Optionssupported by MongoDB.
By default, Compass's defaultsocketTimeoutMSvalue is 60000, or 60 seconds. If you are frequently experiencingtimeouts in Compass, consider setting this option to ahigher value in your connection string.
Metabase Oracle
For a complete list of the connection string options whichCompass supports, see theCompass Connection READMEon GitHub.
Paste your connection string.¶
If you have the connection string for your deployment available, youcan paste the string directly into the dialog box. You can use eitherthe Standard Connection String Formator the DNS Seedlist Connection Format.
To obtain the connection string for an Atlas cluster:
- Navigate to your AtlasClusters view.
- Click Connect for your desired cluster.
- Click Connect with MongoDB Compass.
- Copy the provided connection string.
- To learn how to format the connection string for a deploymentwhich is not hosted on Atlas, seeConnection String URI Format.
Click the Connect button to navigate to theCompassHome Page.
Once you are connected to your MongoDB deployment, you mayrequire specific user rolesto access various Compass features. For more informationon the required roles for Compass features, seeRequired Access.
MongoDB Compass securely stores sensitive information entered in theconnection form using an API that is specific to your operatingsystem.
For more information on how Compass handles sensitivedata, refer to theFAQ page.
Click Connect in the menu bar.¶
Select Disconnect from the dropdown menu.¶
Metabase Mongodb Array
Disconnecting from a MongoDB instance closes the Compass connection tothe active instance and returns the Compass view to the initialconnection dialog.